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Body Slimming Gel
Organic Body Slimming Gel
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Organic Body Slimming Gel


1. Body slimming gel refreshing your body and soul with pastel blue color.

2. Natural aroma essenti
Detailed Description Slim & UP Body slimming gel is an innovative anti-cellulite body slimming gel with cooling effect. Every woman, even who is slim, has a cellulite and needs to control their cellulite. Slim & Up body slimming gel is developed for every man and woman who wants slimmer, firmer and attractive body in all ages.

Our body slimming gel is the first introduced slimming gel with natural and organic ingredients to make people's body fat away. Our patent-pending functional ingredients (Aminolex, Organic-7, Organic Water etc.) promote the metabolism & facilitate the elimination of toxins and waste material. Currently, our Slim & Up is greatly booming in Korean top MLM companies and was launched in famous franchised drug stores like Watson Korea.

  • Body slimming gel refreshing your body and soul with pastel blue color.
  • Natural aroma essential oil and o2carrier promote the metabolism & facilitate the elimination of toxins and waste material. This results in cleaning up your body.
  • Anti-cellulite gel to remove the cellulite and reshape your dimpling body into smooth curve with remoduline and other organic botanical ingredients: Pure organic water, organic green tea water, pure organic liquid.
  • Self cooling effect by cooling factor and o2carrier raises the consumption of body energy, promote the metabolism & help eliminate the appearance of cellulite. Also, they soothe the skin & relieve the swollen skin.
  • Aminolex, caffeine and remoduline are effective for breaking down cellulite & smooth the dimpling bodyline. It also tightens the skin & makes body line slimmer and firmed.
  • Botanical ingredients nourish the skin refreshingly and tightly & complete the firmed body line.
  • Refreshing natural fragrance relives the stress & gives you happy and comfortable feeling."

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